Sunday , July 7 2024


Numismatics is the study of money and the way people and civilization have used it throughout the history. Numismatics is also used to refer the study of collecting coins, paper money, tokens, medals, and related objects.

Mints of India

East India Company set up the following three mints in the seventeenth and eighteenth century. Madras Mint in 1640 A.D.Bombay Mint in 1671 A.D.Calcutta Mint in 1759 A.D. These mints were again reset up as bigger one and with the latest technology, at Bombay & Calcutta in 1829 A.D. However …

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Numismatics “The Hobby of Kings”

Numismatics is a fascinating field of study that involves the analysis of money and its use throughout history. The subject also encompasses the practice of collecting coins, paper money, tokens, medals, and related objects. Collecting coins has been a popular hobby for centuries, with enthusiasts seeking to uncover the intrinsic …

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